A 2014 Social Recruiting Survey from Jobvite revealed some interesting data about social and mobile recruiting (you can download the full report). Recruiters now credit social networks like Doximity with improving the physician recruitment process in several ways: 44% said social recruiting increased both the quality and quantity of candidates (social networks allow you to vet candidates before and after the interview); 34% said social recruiting improved the time to hire; and 30% said social networks improve candidate referrals.
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Social Recruiting,
Content Marketing for Recruiters,
Candidate Sourcing,
Social Recruiting Survey,
If you’ve ever spent a day cold-calling candidates, you know it can be exhausting. Besides, all of us—including physician candidates—have put up a lot of barriers to traditional communications these days: fewer people answer their phones; fewer open their emails; and if a banner ad or an email smells of anything promotional, we run in the opposite direction.
What if you could communicate with candidates in a place where they’re already hanging out? That’s part of social recruiting, and if you’re using Doximity Talent Finder to source and nurture prospects you’re already a social recruiter.
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personalize engagement,
Social Recruiting
Healthcare reform is changing the landscape of medicine and physician recruitment. Under the Affordable Care Act, a new Patient’s Bill of Rights “gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health.” The Affordable Care Act is also changing the way physicians are paid—there’s now a major shift toward performance-based, or value-based, compensation.
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Physician compensation,
Performance-based compensation,
evolving payment models,
physician pay for patient satisfaction,
healthcare reform,
pay-for-performance contracts
Physicians and recruiters got some eye-opening data last week when Doximity launched Career Navigator.
You’re a physician recruiter, so you have a pretty good idea about the kind of money physicians can earn in different cities—and if candidates specialize beyond primary care. You also know that those candidates emerged from medical school with a high debt (the average is about $170,000) and that costs like malpractice insurance have to be added into the mix. So your physician candidates need to earn a good salary to get ahead.
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physician job opportunities,
job posts on Doximity Talent Finder,
physician compensation trends,
Career Navigator,
recruiting physicians to work in rural America
Today's official launch of Doximity’s Career Navigator is another step forward for physicians looking to advance their careers.
Powered by 18,000 practicing physician reports (and growing), Doximity’s Career Navigator gives U.S. physicians free unlimited access to local salary data across 48 specialties. Through its "give-to-get" model, physicians can access the compensation trends after first submiting their own anonymous compensation survey to the community. Doximity’s Career Navigator allows all physicians to browse opportunities by specialty and location, and connect with potential employers to apply for jobs.
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You know how difficult it can be to recruit physicians for rural positions. Attracting and retaining well-trained physicians to work in rural America is an ongoing struggle: 77% of rural counties are facing a shortage of primary-care providers, and 8% don't have even a single primary-care physician, according to a report from the federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
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Recruiting physicians for rural positions,
physician career satisfaction,
work/life balance
It’s a great time to be a physician recruiter.
U.S. News & World Report just released their list of the 100 Best Jobs in the U.S. for 2015 and physician jobs ranked #4 overall. Even better, physician jobs ranked #3 for best health care jobs.
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physician recruitment,
physician recruiters,
physician jobs,
U.S. News & World Report
The healthcare landscape is changing and the physician recruitment landscaping is changing along with it. As numerous media outlets have reported, 2014 was the year when the job market finally turned the corner.
Of course physician employment has been on the rise for several years now, while the decline of private practice assignments continues. Recent job market data also confirms what recruiting experts have being saying for some time: The power has shifted into the hands of the candidates.
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physician recruitment,
mobile recruitment strategy,
physician recruiters,
smarter physician recruitment,
Focus on passive candidates
Great news for physician recruiters: Doximity has now grown to include over 50% of US physicians members, making it the largest secure network of doctors ever assembled—and the profession’s most rapidly adopted new technology (other than the iPhone).
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Physician Recruiting,
physician recruitment
Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world. Microsoft researchers say the theory stands up. So through chains of acquaintance that link us all, you are just six introductions away from every physician candidate.
Consider the power of physician profiles on Doximity. The member base has soared to nearly 50 percent of all US-licensed physicians because Doximity enables doctors to connect and communicate with their peers quickly while staying compliant with strict regulations designed to protect patient privacy.
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Filed under
Doximity Talent Finder,
Six Degrees of Separation,
Doximity Recruiter Profile,
Relationship Recruiting