Never stop learning: 5 more great resources for physician recruiters

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Nestled between an arching hillside and a babbling brook, along an unpaved road in the Sutter Butte mountain range of Northern California, stands a sign that reads, "Time to Slow Down." In these viral days of overexposure and oversharing it sounds like a great idea, right? But you’re a physician recruiter, and conventional wisdom says you can’t unplug for a nanosecond.

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Filed under big data, never stop learning, doctors on twitter, physician recruiter resources

Physicians crossing state lines: Interest Index shows some surprising trends

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Eighty seven percent of physicians are open to new jobs, but exactly where in the U.S. are physicians exploring new opportunities? Using a specialized Interest Index, Doximity is applying a proportional score to U.S. jobs based on the number of clicks, applies, and responses to Job Posts and DocMails (Doximity’s messaging platform) by physicians, and the results show some surprising trends.

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Filed under why physicians are leaving New York, New York, Georgia, Doximity's Interest Index

Now, physicians can apply for your jobs with one click

Posted by Doximity TF Team

The physician recruitment arena is a buyer’s market. Physicians at all levels of training and experience have a lot of options. A recent labor report even pointed out that it now takes longer to hire for healthcare than it did prior to the 2008 recession. But then you’re a physician recruiter, so no one knows more about the crunch than you do.

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Filed under Apply Using Doximity, ab+c creative intelligence, instant job application process

The Doximity Talent Finder Mobile app is available now!

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Physician recruiters are on the go. That's why Doximity built the first app for physician recruiters that’s as mobile as you are. 

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Filed under mobile physician recruiters, Doximity Talent Finder for iOS, Doximity Talent Finder Mobile App

Physician Recruitment Associations: Membership has its privileges

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Have this ever happed to you? You sign a candidate (after working with him or her for a year) who doesn’t show up—only to discover the competition snagged the physician. Or let’s say you sign a physician who does show up, and does a great job, but they up and leave just a year later.

Recruiting physicians is tough; it requires aggressive tactics sometimes because recruiting comes at a high cost.

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Filed under physician recruitment, NAPR, ASPR, NEPRA, CASPR, professional associations, NALTO

Who do you know? Four words than can change physician recruitment

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Ask most physician recruiters how they find great candidates and they’ll tell you they network. As it turns out, networking is imperative for physicians looking for jobs these days, too. In fact, it’s critical for all job hunters in America.

Workers in the U.S. don’t actually hunt for a job—the job finds them, says a new study from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF). According to the data, most people who switch jobs in the U.S. never reported even looking for a job. That goes for people who were unemployed, too: 63.1% of people hired weren’t actively searching. What’s more, 42% of hires occur at companies that never even made a vacancy public.

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Filed under referrals, networking, who do you know

Physician recruiters: Meet the new Doximity app for the Apple Watch

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Physicians have a proven love affair with Apple products, so your candidates will be thrilled to learn that Doximity is offering a version of its app for the new Apple Watch—downloadable on April 24. The Apple Watch hits retail shelves and ecommerce sites the same day.

The Apple Watch is a wearable device that functions much like a mobile phone. The new Doximity app brings your physician candidates secure HIPAA-compliant messaging, as well as an e-fax number, and a journal feed right to their wrist.

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Filed under Apple Watch, Doximity app for Apple Watch, secure on-the-go messaging

Medical pathways: One neurosurgeon’s remarkable journey from the Caribbean to California

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Meet Kamal Woods, MD, a neurosurgeon who practices in Murietta, California. One of the most tech-savvy doctors we’ve ever met, Dr. Woods wears perfectly patterned shirt-and-tie combos and exudes great humor and warmth (take THAT all those neurosurgeon stereotypes).

To introduce a new blog series, the Doximity Talent Finder team asked Dr. Woods about the pathway he took to become a practicing neurosurgeon. It wasn’t exactly brain surgery (sorry, we had to say it) but it was a remarkable journey of awakening.

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Filed under physician recruitment, neurosurgeon, medical pathways, Dr. Kamal Woods

Why more physicians are considering a locum tenens career

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Placeholders, free agents, locum tenens…no matter the name, a physician filling in for another physician has been a common practice (and a professional courtesy) for a long time. Physicians retire, resign, and get fired; physicians need vacation and personal time, as well as maternity and sick leave, too. 

Of course, staffing shortages are the norm these days and physician turnover creates a huge expense. Regardless of why or how a physician vacancy exists, healthcare facilities have to maintain patient care quality—so they regularly hire part-time or temporary locum tenens physicians to fill the gap.

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Filed under locum tenens, physician turnover, staffing shortages

Why empathy and strong self-esteem make you a better physician recruiter

Posted by Doximity TF Team

It’s indisputable: physician recruitment is a tough job. 

You’re not just a physician recruiter, either, you’re also a sourcer, a marketer, a client manager, a documentation specialist, and the list goes on. Physician recruiting isn’t an administrative job, it’s a sales job—and it's one tough sales market right now. 

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Filed under Physician Recruiting, physician recruitment, definition of a great physician recruiter

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