From tablets to telemedicine: how technology is changing the way physicians practice and what that means for physician recruiters

Posted by Doximity TF Team

The proliferation of smartphone and EHR technology has given physicians an all-new black bag of tools. It’s also created an all-new generational dynamic. Younger physicians are likely to be carrying a device or two with them at all times (one millennial doctor says his iPad is a great way to demonstrate anatomy to patients and to pull up videos). However, some physicians worry that human connections with patients – the very heart of medicine – are in jeopardy.

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Filed under telemedicine, technology, EHR systems, generational dynamics

Physician on-the-job unhappiness: how physician recruiters can help

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Ask any physician what his or her professional goal is and the answer will customarily be, “To provide the best possible care and outcome for my patients.” However, as any physician will tell you, that is not the end of the story when it comes to career fulfillment.

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Filed under Physician burnout, physician recruitment tips, physician on-the-job-unhappiness

These 14 cultural attributes may be the key to physician satisfaction – and recruitment success

Posted by Doximity TF Team

The best and brightest people build the best organizations. To attract the best and brightest physician candidates to your organization, you need to understand not only their skillset, but also how they’ll fit in your organization’s culture.

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Filed under physician career satisfaction, organizational culture, physician satisfaction

Why understanding generational differences could change your physician recruitment strategy

Posted by Doximity TF Team

You are a product of your generation and the generational divide affects us all in countless ways. It isn’t new, but generational differences affect physician recruitment and retention in ways that may surprise you, too. Consider this shocking fact from a recent report about generational differences: 33% of Millennials think it is acceptable to text during a job interview! What’s more, 25% of Millennials think that working somewhere for nine months shows that you are a loyal employee, contrasted with 14% of Baby Boomers who said you have to be at a company for more than five years to be a loyal employee.

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Filed under Baby Boomers, generational differences, physician recruitment strategy, Millenials, Generation X, Traditionalists

It’s the happiest season of all for physician recruitment

Posted by Doximity TF Team

You have holly in your heart and the promise of a few days off for the holidays, but don’t let the mistletoe and eggnog slow down your physician recruitment. December and January are some of the best months to recruit practicing physicians. In fact, December is the second busiest month for hiring.

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Filed under December recruiting, Physician recruitment during the holidays

How the new "search by title" feature can make physician recruiters better detectives

Posted by Doximity TF Team

“Physician recruitment is all about great detective work,” says Steve Jacobs, Manager of Physician Recruitment at the Good Samaritan Health System and a Doximity Talent Finder Innovator in Recruitment. That's something most physician recruiters can agree on.

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Filed under Doximity Talent Finder, search by title, search for physician candidates by title, Doximity Talent Finder product update

From blogs, to Tweets, to books: more Resources for physician recruiters

Posted by Doximity TF Team

A colleague or friend makes an introduction. You meet informally for coffee. You exchange text messages, speak frequently, and even swap holiday and birthday cards. Recruiting is often likened to dating (with good reason), but we think physician recruiting is more like marketing.

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Filed under resources for physician recruiters, physician recruiting is like marketing

Why understanding electronic health records is vital for physician recruiters

Posted by Doximity TF Team

A mind-boggling array of electronic health record (EHR) systems are at work in hospitals and healthcare facilities across the US, but while physicians are quick to adopt new technologies, they grapple with EHR systems. Why? It seems their satisfaction with technologies like their iPhones is high – and they want their experience with EHRs to be similar, or at least better than it is now. “Having seen what a good interface can do, doctors become more demanding of the sub-par interfaces on EHRs,” writes O'Reilly Media editor Andy Oram.

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Filed under electronic health record systems, EHR

How the age of physicians is affecting the locum tenens landscape

Posted by Doximity TF Team

There was a time when locum tenens was the career swan song of older physicians. A locums assignment was a way for a semiretired, 60-year-old emergency medicine physician from Crystal, Minnesota to ditch a frigid winter in the Land of 10,000 Lakes and spend January through April working in sunny southern California – easing out of a practice and into retirement (and golfing and bird watching).

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Filed under locum tenens, locums

Innovators in Recruitment: Charles Butler, MD, Founder of VideoMedicine, Inc.

Posted by Doximity TF Team

When you think about video chat apps, you probably imagine a father on a business trip video chatting with his kids at home; or perhaps old college roommates catching up from opposite coasts. Charles Butler, MD, imagines video chatting with his ophthalmologist, his cardiologist, and his dermatologist – and he’s made it a reality for countless patients and physicians.

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Filed under Innovators in Recruitment, Charles Butler, MD, VideoMedicine

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