The Second Annual Physician Compensation Report

Posted by Doximity TF Team

With the continued growing shortage of U.S. physicians, understanding physician compensation is a starting point in understanding various factors at play in health care today. Doximity Talent Finder is helping to bridge this gap. 

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Filed under Doximity Physician Compensation report, Physician compensation across specialties, The gender gap in physician compensation, Physician compensation in the U.S., Metro areas where physicians are paid the most, Where female physicians earn the most

5 Things Trending in Physician Recruitment Right Now

Posted by Doximity TF Team

The medical profession is still experiencing uncertainty and transition, and the demand for physicians is becoming increasingly competitive. What are you doing to ensure your recruiting breaks through? Here are five trends that are impacting physician recruitment now.

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Filed under Physician burnout, physicians are mobile, Recruiting physicians for rural America, Growing U.S. physician shortage, Physician Recruitment Trends, Physicians are aging and retiring

Why Your Writing Style Counts: 8 Tips to Boost Your Recruitment Messages

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Face-to-face is clearly the ideal way to communicate with physician candidates, but these days that’s just not feasible. We live in a digital world, and most of your communications are likely done via some form of electronic communication – yet the impression you make is rarely the same. When you communicate electronically, your writing style reveals a lot about your personality and professionalism, but the message you’re trying to convey isn’t often what ends up in the candidate’s inbox.

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Filed under Writing effective DocMail messages, Boost your recruitment messages, Why effective communication takes time

Doximity Now Has Over 1 Million Verified Members

Posted by Doximity TF Team

We're proud to announce that more than 1,000,000 licensed medical professionals are now using Doximity to connect, collaborate, and collectively provide better care for their patients! The million members consist of around 700k physicians, 150k NPPAs, and 90% of graduating residents - as well as PharmDs and medical students.

Because Doximity Talent Finder is the platform that enables social physician recruiting on this massive network – the largest one in the country – it's changing the way physician recruitment is done, too.

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Filed under 70 percent of the nation's physicians, Doximity physician members, Doximity news

Beyond Clinical Qualifications: What Are Soft Skills and What do They Mean in Physician Recruitment

Posted by Doximity TF Team

"The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.’’ – Sir William Osler, FRS FRCP

Physician recruiters are in the business of understanding the many skills and credentials a doctor needs to be considered a great fit for their job. Being a physician is much more than diagnosing and treating patients, though, it’s demonstrating compassionate patient care and a commitment to those patients. So, beyond academic degrees, residencies, clinical training, and board certifications, there’s another set of skills you need to assess: soft skills.

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Filed under Physician empathy improves patient outcomes, Soft skills complement hard skills, Recruiting beyond clinical qualifications, What soft skills mean in physician recruitment

To Measure Your True ROI, Consider Your Return on Impression

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Part 5 of our Physician Recruitment ROI Series. Just arriving? Start here!

If Return on Investment is the tip of the iceberg, what’s beneath the surface of the water? We’ve written a lot about measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of your recruiting tools, but there’s a new concept in marketing and now recruiting that just as important: Return on Impression. 

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Filed under Return on Invement, Measuring ROI, Measure the effectiveness of your recruiting tools, Recruiting ROI, Candidate Experience, Return on Impression

New on Doximity: Recruit Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants!

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Many physicians depend heavily on Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) to provide care within their practice. In fact, these clinicians now play some of the most crucial roles in the healthcare space.

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Filed under Recruiting NPs and PAs, Nurse Practitioners

To Improve your Recruiting ROI, Maximize your Candidate Funnel

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Physician recruiters are all too familiar with the Candidate Funnel, often called the Talent Pipeline. Simply put, this is the process of finding, engaging with, and hiring prospective candidates. Physician recruiters know they need to be constantly looking for quality candidates, even when there’s no immediate opening, so your funnel is vital over the long term.

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Filed under Maximize your candidate funnel, Improve your physician recruitment ROI, Quality-of-Hire Funnel

How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Recruiting Tools for Better ROI

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Nearly 75 percent of recruiters still aren’t using data to inform their decisions (per Jobvite). Why? Because data can be intimidating and there’s often too much of it. But you can’t improve what you don’t measure! Being competitive for great candidates means you need to leverage information.

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Filed under Leverage information to boost your recruiting ROI, Methods to boost your ROI, Measure the effectiveness of your recruiting tools, Better ROI

What's the ROI of Your Recruiting?

Posted by Doximity TF Team

There’s a saying: what gets measured gets managed – and recruiting is no exception.

New technologies and big data have changed the way we do almost everything, and physician candidates can find information about your company, your jobs, your competitors’ jobs, and more with a few mouse clicks. Access to this new information has changed the way marketing is done, and it’s certainly changing how we recruit.

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Filed under ROI of Recruiting, Return on Invement, Measuring ROI

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