Doximity's 2020 Year In Review

Posted by Doximity TF Team

2020 wasn’t the year any of us were anticipating, but as we reflect back on the past 12 months, we’re proud to highlight some of Doximity’s top achievements with you!

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Filed under recruiting physicians, talent finder accomplishments, doximity accomplishments, year in review

Doximity's 2019 Year In Review

Posted by Doximity TF Team

We’re now well into the New Year, and our team at Doximity Talent Finder is revved up and ready to rock 2020 — we hope you are too!

As we reflect back on the last year, we’re proud to share some of Doximity’s top achievements with you:

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Filed under recruiting physicians, talent finder accomplishments, doximity accomplishments, year in review

5+ Digital Resources for Physician Recruiters

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Whether you’re working in-house or recruiting for a staffing agency, you know it’s imperative to stay on top of best practices and the latest trends in recruitment. The world of the Internet can be overwhelming, but you need digital resources to stay competitive. We’ve shared a few ideas before, but we have some updated suggestions we think will land on your list of favorites.

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Filed under recruiting physicians, physician recruiter tips

5 Surprising Perks of Locum Tenens Work

Posted by Doximity TF Team

This article was originally published by Dr. Peter Alperin in

More and more doctors are interested in locum tenens, and the benefits are positive for patients and doctors alike.

“Locum Tenens” is a direct translation of the Latin phrase meaning, “temporary work.” A locum tenens physician works in the place of a full-time physician when he or she is absent, or when a hospital or practice is short-staffed. For example, locum tenens may fill in for a physician on family or maternity leave or may be temporarily employed by a hospital or practice that is under-staffed. 

 Locum tenens is becoming more common. In fact, Doximity’s recent data report found a steep increase in interest among U.S. physicians in locum tenens job opportunities. 

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Filed under Doximity Reports, locum tenens, recruiting physicians

How to Keep the Conversation Going

Posted by Doximity TF Team

We’ve all experienced a time when a candidate you were excited about either went unresponsive or flat out told you they were no longer interested in your job. It happens, and it’s part of physician recruitment - especially when clinicians are in as high of demand as they are today. The good news is that there are some tactics recruiters can practice to help keep the conversation going -days, months and even years after an initial rejection. 

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Filed under physician recruiting tips, how to keep the conversation going, candidate outreach, recruiting physicians

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