How will 2017’s Best and Worst States for Physicians affect your physician recruitment strategy?

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Being a physician is one of the most popular professions in the U.S. within the top one percent of earners. Of course, the industry has been undergoing quite a transformation in recent years: Baby Boomers are retiring, the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) means more people now have health insurance, and branded hospital networks are on the rise.

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Filed under Best U.S. Jobs, physician recruitment strategy, Best and worst states for physicians, salary map for US physicians

These mobile recruitment stats just might surprise you

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Mobile is everywhere, and if you’re like most of us, your mobile phone is simply part of your everyday life. It’s your alarm clock, your camera, your office, your GPS, and more.

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Filed under best app for physician recruiters, mobile is significant for job searches, physicians are early adopters of technology, using mobile for physician recruitment

Why the use of locum tenens physicians (and clinicians) keeps growing

Posted by Doximity TF Team

In 2016, roughly 48,000 physicians did locum tenens work. That’s up from 44,000 in 2014, and 26,000 in 2002, per Staff Care’s annual survey. The survey also revealed that 94% of healthcare facility managers used locum tenens physicians during the last 12 months. Locum tenens physicians were mainly used to fill in until permanent doctors were found in certain specialties or to address staff turnover.

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Filed under locum tenens, Staff Care annual survey, top specialties in high demand for locums work

70 percent of U.S. physicians - more than 800,000 - now use Doximity

Posted by Doximity TF Team

We recently announced that 70% of U.S. physicians have joined the Doximity network. That’s more than 800,000 licensed medical professionals who are using Doximity to connect, collaborate, and collectively provide better care for their patients!

Because Doximity Talent Finder is the platform that enables social physician recruiting on this massive network – the largest one in the country – it's changing the way physician recruitment is done, too.

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Filed under 70 percent of the nation's physicians, Doximity physician members, Doximity news

5 Challenges Facing Physicians and how Doximity can Help

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Each year, Medical Economics publishes a list of the Top 10 Challenges Facing Physicians for the year and how to overcome them. Topping their list for 2017 are MACRA, prior authorizations, and negotiating with payers. Staying motivated to practice medicine came in at number four. That’s a challenge we write about frequently in the physician recruitment realm.

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Filed under Doximity dialer, Category 1 CME, Free fax and digital signature, Tips for overcoming challenges, Challenges facing physicians, How Doximity can help physicians

How personal interests and hobbies influence physicians at work

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Physicians bring a lot of skills and talents to the table. Some come from education or experience, some are innate, and many come from their life outside of work.

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Filed under Physician hobbies

Why referral hiring nets better physician candidates who are more likely to stay

Posted by Doximity TF Team

It’s one thing to ask for feedback from a physician you’ve worked with; most doctors have a good story or two to tell and in a recruiting scenario those stories can turn into powerful testimonials that supercharge your physician recruitment game. But are you reaching out to the physicians you’ve worked with for referrals?

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Filed under Referral programs, Referral hiring, physician retention

ICYMI: The Doximity Physician Recruitment Year in Review

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Happy New Year! Now that we’re all settling into 2017 we thought we’d take a quick look back at a few things that shaped Doximity and Talent Finder last year and also highlight some of the most read articles by physician recruiters.

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Filed under physician recruitment, Doximity dialer app, best app for physician recruiters, most read articles, recruitment apps, fastest growing company in SF bay area, Deloitte’s 2016 Technology Fast 500™

Physicians want opportunities with purpose. Are you delivering?

Posted by Doximity TF Team

It’s no secret that many U.S. doctors are feeling disillusioned. There's nothing greater than helping human beings, but over the last decade the system has shifted profoundly. Doctors say excessive paperwork keeps them from spending enough time with patients, the patient relationship has been undermined, and they want meaning beyond the long arm of insurers and bureaucrats.

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Filed under employer brand, opportunities with purpose, delivering purpose, physician retention, positioning your mission and values

Why Mobile is the New Physician Recruitment Frontier

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Chances are you’re reading this article on a smartphone or tablet. Do you know the average U.S. consumer owns 7.2 Internet-connected devices? Everyone is mobile these days, and physicians are no exception. In fact, when it comes to new technology updates, physicians are often at the top of the curve. Take the new Apple iPhone: Physicians adopted the iPhone 7 faster than the rest of the population!

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Filed under mobile recruiting, Doximity Talent Finder App, making your recruitment mobile, mobile health technology, Doximity app

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