Retention Starts with Recruitment: 7 Tips for Creating a Formal Plan

Posted by Doximity TF Team

According to Doximity’s 2024 Physician Compensation Report, in a poll of 2,600 physicians, nearly three out of five were considering an employment change. Moreover, according to the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR), one in three physicians and nearly half of all advanced practice providers (APPs) left their employers for similar roles elsewhere. Yet despite high turnover rates, over 75% of those surveyed for the AAPPR report say their organizations do not have a formal staff retention program. Here are 7 tips and insights for creating a formal retention program.

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Filed under physician retention, tips for physician recruitment

9 Key Takeaways from AAPPR’s 2023 Benchmarking Report

Posted by Doximity TF Team

According to the 2023 benchmark study released by the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR), a Doximity strategic partner, organizations are searching for more physicians than ever.

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Filed under tips for physician recruitment, AAPPR Benchmarking

5 Tips for Recruiting Hard-to-Fill Physician Specialties

Posted by Doximity TF Team

As health care advances, the types of doctors most needed are evolving. Specialties with high demand include pediatric cardiology, pediatric hematology/oncology and rheumatology. Here’s what these three specialties are, what they entail, and some actionable things you can do if you’re recruiting for these specialties.

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Filed under tips for physician recruitment, recruiting hard-to-fill specialties, pediatric cardiology, POH

7 Ways to Revitalize Your Recruitment Strategy This Spring

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Spring has arrived, marking the perfect time to refresh your recruitment strategy as you’re working on new opportunities. That's why we crafted this checklist to help you “spring-clean” your recruitment tactics. Happy optimizing!

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Filed under tips for physician recruitment, organization tips

What Recruiters Should Know About the Real Cost of Physician Vacancies

Posted by Doximity TF Team

When an organization faces a physician vacancy, recruiters may feel pressured to speed up the recruitment process. Despite the pressure to maintain continuity of care by hiring a physician as quickly as possible, that pressure can drive organizations to throw money at a problem without considering the underlying costs of inefficient recruitment processes. It can also drive recruiters to make less informed hiring decisions. 

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Filed under tips for physician recruitment, physician vacancies costs

The 2024 Guide to Recruiting Emergency Medicine Physicians

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Whether they’ve just finished their training or have years of experience under their belt, emergency medicine physicians are interested in new opportunities. They’re also working together to meet the growing emergency needs across the country.

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8 Recruitment Tips for the Holiday Season

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Stand out from your competition this holiday season and keep recruiting throughout December. Fewer jobs are posted during this time of the year, and many organizations even put a hold on hiring. This presents a great moment to make your job opportunities even more visible. Many clinicians also take a few days off, giving them more time to see and follow up on your job opportunities. 

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The Physician Shortage: 5 Ways Recruiters Can Help

Posted by Doximity TF Team

According to MGMA, the number one challenge for medical practices in 2023 continues to be staffing. Turnover and burnout have added to the physician shortage issue, and experts predict both will significantly affect health care access over the next decade (according to Forbes). 

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Filed under Growing U.S. physician shortage, tips for physician recruitment

7 Actionable Ways Recruiters Can Help Improve Physician Retention

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Over the last two years, we’ve experienced a significant shift in the physician workforce. A recent survey from CHG Healthcare found that 43% of physicians switched jobs during the pandemic, 8% retired, and 3% left medicine to work in a non-clinical career. While retention strategies have always been vital for healthcare organizations, they are especially critical now as many physicians and healthcare workers continue to struggle with overwork and burnout due to the pandemic. 

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Filed under physician retention, tips for physician recruitment

To Discover Qualified Candidates, Look Within Your Organization

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Have you ever heard about a job opportunity and thought, “I know someone who would be perfect for this?” The clinicians at your organization have probably thought the same thing. They have connections with other physicians, and their referrals can benefit your recruiting efforts in numerous ways.  

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Filed under Referral hiring, tips for physician recruitment

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