Day In The Life of Our Talent Finder Pro Client Success Manager, Meghan

Posted by Doximity TF Team


“Client success manager” is one of those titles that makes you stop and say, “But what does that actually mean?” Let’s shadow Meghan Kiep, based in Georgia, for a day and find out.

7:00 - 8:30 AM - Morning routine

The alarm goes off and Meghan enjoys a snooze until 7:30 a.m. She heads downstairs to feed her pups. After making breakfast, she heads down to her office with a refreshing glass of lemon water. Meghan’s mornings are a blend of personal time and preparation, setting a positive tone for the busy day ahead.

8:30 AM - Logging on and getting ready

Meghan logs on for the day, pulling up her email and Slack to review the previous day’s messages and pick up any new overnight emails. She pulls out her to-do list to map out what needs to be accomplished for the week. Her morning energy is key to tackling her Talent Finder PRO (TF PRO) tasks efficiently with the highest level of responsiveness. TF PRO is Doximity’s premium "white glove” service designed to provide our clients with exceptional support to facilitate connections with qualified healthcare industry candidates for clients’ open positions. Meghan is an extension of her clients’ teams, freeing up their time to focus on their daily responsibilities.

9:00 - 11:00 AM - Organizing and working on client campaigns

Meghan gets organized reviewing status updates for her priority TF PRO clients and working on client DocMail campaigns, messages sent directly to potential job candidates. Doximity’s internal use of AirTable to track to-dos, campaign details and client notes dovetails quite nicely with TF PRO which, among other things, provides a streamlined workflow to compose and send DocMails. She reviews her calendar to see what meetings are scheduled for the day and prepares accordingly. Meghan’s knowledge about staff recruitment and healthcare is fundamental to her meticulous approach.

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Internal pipeline sync

Meghan hops on her first internal call of the day, a weekly pipeline sync with the sales and client success teams. They discuss renewals, upsells and add notes for clients. This collaborative approach ensures everyone is on the same page and helps optimize their efforts. Once the call is done, Meghan takes a quick break to grab a bite to eat before her next meeting.

1:00 - 1:30 PM - First client call

Meghan’s first client call of the day is with an Arizona-based TF PRO client. They discuss goals for the upcoming campaign and strategies for the next DocMail send. Today’s focus is on Radiology. Meghan pulls together the necessary materials, including a message template, job post and candidate list. Once assembled, she sends the campaign materials back to her client for approval, a crucial step to ensure the correct information goes out. The client reviews the job post and message template edits and scans through the candidate list to make sure it’s rock solid. Once approved, she sends the emails on their behalf.  
This client has been using TF PRO since 2017 and rely on the platform to help fill their high-need open positions! One of their recent campaigns resulted in 3 amazing applications and then a hire!

1:45 PM - Coffee break and task scheduling

A quick coffee break recharges Meghan for the rest of the day. She starts working on the to-dos from the prior call and schedules a timeline for future tasks. Staying organized is key to managing multiple clients and campaigns efficiently.

3:00 - 3:30 PM - Second client call

The next client call of the day involves discussing goals and strategies for an upcoming DocMail send for a TF PRO client with a large allotment, so they talk about 10 different campaigns ranging from OBGYN to Radiation Oncology. They discuss specific search parameters like location, state licensing and years of experience. After gathering all the necessary information, Meghan starts preparing the campaigns for approval. TF PRO, with its fully integrated dashboard allowing recruiters to monitor their campaigns' performance, in tandem with Meghan’s marketplace knowledge and responsiveness assures the client that they’ll have the staffing they need to deliver exceptional care throughout their multiple locations.

4:00 - 5:45 PM - Final internal call and strategy planning

The last internal call of the day is with the client success team to discuss pipeline updates, ongoing projects and product updates. Topics include strategies, best practices and organizational tools. This collaborative environment helps the team continuously share and improve processes.  
As the day winds down, Meghan wraps up her tasks and sets priorities for the next day. She grabs a snack and heads out for a walk or a quick FORM workout before dinner. Knowing that she has contributed to the smooth operation of healthcare facilities and the well-being of patients is immensely fulfilling. TF PRO stands out as a premium service because of the dedication and hard work of the entire team, and Meghan is a cornerstone of this success.


Meghan Kiep, Talent Finder Pro Client Success Manager


Do you have more questions about Doximity Talent Finder or Talent Finder Pro? Visit our Resources and Support Page. We also value client feedback and welcome your ideas for improving the platform. Please submit your idea(s) or suggestion(s) here.


Topics: Doximity Talent Finder, Physician Recruiting, Doximity Talent Finder Tips, recruitment strategy

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