Your Doximity Summer Reading List

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Harry Truman once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”

There’s no better time to relax with a good book than in the summer-- or a better time to tackle a few books that could make you a better recruiter. But you don’t always have to read books on recruiting to become better at your job. In that spirit, we've compiled a quick list of what the Doximity Client Success team has on the docket for good reads- things we believe are making us better at our day to day. 

Whatever your summer has in store and whatever your preference might be - we hope you enjoy some of our latest, favorite reads, whether you’re on the beach, the porch, or you just have a quiet minute at home.

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Filed under Doximity Talent Finder Tips, mobile technology in healthcare, summer reading list

Hospital Technology Trends

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Technology in Healthcare Today

Technology is at the heart of the workflow in most healthcare practices these days. For a field that is contingent on utmost data security – so much so that it still uses dinosaur fax machines – changes have always been slow. For years following the HITECH Act of 2009, which required healthcare facilities to implement EMRs, data sharing flatlined.

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Filed under EMRs, mobile technology in healthcare, hospital technology trends, smartphones, devices and apps are remaking medicine

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