Technology Challenges Doctors of All Ages: Here’s What Recruiters Can Do (Part 2)

Posted by Doximity TF Team

In an earlier article we pointed out that technology can challenge doctors of all ages. What’s important to note, though, is technology that’s challenging to one doctor (think fax machines) may not challenge another (think EHRs) – largely because undeniable differences increase the gap between doctors of different ages. We’ve always believed that understanding generational differences can drastically change your recruitment strategy, and this is especially true when it comes to technology.

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Filed under Bridging the technology gap in recruiting, Doximity Dial integration with Epic, Technology challenges for doctors, Understanding generational differences, Melding technology and patient privacy, Technology and the age gap

Technology Challenges Doctors of All Ages: Here’s What Recruiters Can Do

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Technology from telehealth services to wearable medical devices has been a driving force in healthcare for decades. Doctors are overwhelmingly early tech adopters (think Apple Watch), yet we hear a lot of complaints about technology in healthcare: younger doctors are frustrated because they’re forced to use ancient technologies in the workplace (think fax machines), still others are challenged by digital health/medical records (EHRs or EMRs).

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Filed under Bridging the technology gap in recruiting, Doximity Dial integration with Epic, Technology challenges for doctors, Help your candidates land great jobs

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