7 questions you should be asking physician candidates (but probably aren’t)

Posted by Doximity TF Team

GettyImages-730274891The more a physician recruiter knows about a candidate, the more value you add to the recruitment and hiring process. That's why getting to know the candidate – beyond just their skills and qualifications – and thoroughly understanding what they’re looking for is critical. But all that sleuthing and sourcing doesn’t mean much if you can’t land the candidate. We constantly speak with innovators in physician recruitment to learn about current trends and to determine what’s helping their recruitment success. Here are some key questions physician recruiters are asking candidates that you should be asking, too.

1. What would you MOST like to be doing?

You already know what a physician candidate is qualified to do, but what do they really WANT to be doing? Many candidates assume their recruiter understands this, yet it’s never been explained in full because it’s never been asked. So ask away: a physician who’s doing what he or she really wants to do is far more likely to stay for the long haul.

2. Why are you making a job change now?

Many physician recruiters are afraid to ask this question, yet the answer to this question will tell you almost everything you need to know to close a candidate. Most candidates don’t change jobs for the sake of changing jobs. They change jobs because there’s something missing in their current position – and they think a position you’re offering will satisfy what’s missing. Will your opportunity do that?

3. Who else is vital in the decision to change jobs or whose needs are important beyond the candidate him/herself?

We all know a candidate’s partner or spouse affects the decisions he or she makes. In fact, many recruiters would argue that the partner or spouse is the final decision maker. As a physician recruiter, you need to know who the people in the lives of your candidate are, what their concerns are, and how they’ll be affected by a change. Do they have parents or family who live nearby? Does a child have special needs? Even single candidates have people who are affected by their decisions. 

4. Is there something you DON’T want to do?

As a physician recruiter you have to take a shot at predicting your candidate’s future success without the crystal ball. If there’s something a candidate doesn’t want to do, you need to know now. The answer could help you assess how a physician will fit into the culture, too. Just because a physician is going from a private practice in rural Georgia doesn’t mean that he or she wouldn’t do well at a large hospital in San Francisco, but sometimes a candidate just won’t be a good fit. If you have a reason to believe your candidate is the wrong DNA for your organization, it is imperative you learn that early. 

5. Are there any landmines that would prevent them from leaving their job – or create issues if they do?

This could be legal obligations the candidate has with their current employer. Ask these questions and be crystal clear there aren’t any major restrictions should the candidate change jobs. Also, the best candidates may be walking away from something. Is there an upcoming bonus they’ll miss out on if they leave? Clarify and you’ll overcome another hurdle.

6. Are you interviewing elsewhere?

This question is huge. The hiring process takes time, so you don’t want to make an offer and realize another recruiter or organization beat you to the punch. So ask the physician candidate what other career activities they’re involved in. If they’re considering other offers this is absolute need-to-know information.

7. What questions do you have for me?

It sounds obvious, but you can often learn more about a physician candidate based on questions they ask you, versus the answers they give to your questions.

Naturally, you’re going to learn a lot of about physician candidates if you review their Doximity profile first. These profiles have an average of 28 data points of physician experience information, and often those items aren’t included on their original CV. Plus, Doximity Talent Finder’s powerful recruitment search engine is the best way to identify top physician talent. You can search for candidates in 40 specialties across all 50 states and there’s no limit to the number of Doximity profiles – digital CVs of physicians – you can view. In fact, it’s the best way to do last-minute research on physician candidates.

Looking for more tips on how to recruit out of area physicians? You're in luck! We’ve rounded up our best tips in this handy guide.  

Get the Guide

Topics: getting to know physician candidates, key questions to ask physician candidates

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