5 ways physicians can use their online CV to land their dream job

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Physicians Can Use their Online CV to Land Their Dream Job

Your professional network can be a powerful ally in building your career, and it's no different for the physicians you're working with.

Historically, medical professionals have manually tapped into their network of alumni and colleagues from medical school, residency or past positions when they’re building a practice or seeking a new position. Employers have always looked internally for recommendations from existing employees when they’re sourcing and vetting potential candidates as a new hire. However, new online tools like Doximity have made networking much more powerful. Instead of static CV’s and resumes, physicians can now have a dynamic digital profile that reflects his or her personal brand. It’s useful when they’re looking for a new position, but it’s also a great way to market their expertise and collaborate with other medical professionals.

Physician recruiters are now turning to online networks to identify the best candidates for a hot job opening before marketing the position publically.

Recruiters can zero in on the perfect candidate by searching for online CVs that fit the job requirements, including expertise, education, work experience, research, presentations and more. And thanks to the Internet, physicians can then learn more about your job openings through social media or digital Q&A without submitting an application first. Savvy job hunters are networking with physicians at potential employers to explore the culture, learn more about the clinical practice, and even identify unexpected people in common. Plus, a reference from a former classmate or colleague can go a long way in securing a new position.

The most valuable asset for a physician today is his or her online brand (the professional profile they use to communicate their personal brand as a clinician). As a physician recruiter, you can help the physicians you’re working with—and learn to be more successful at recruiting physician candidates—if you understand how physicians can use their online profile to position themselves for the best career opportunities.

Below we’ve offered a few tips from successful physician job seekers that you can pass onto your candidates and clients.

#1: Go beyond the CV.

Don't simply duplicate your CV, build on it. Online profiles are living, breathing, interactive documents. You can link directly to abstracts of your publications and research, attach files of presentations and papers or even publish original content. Take advantage of this new digital format.

#2: Highlight what makes you unique. 

Detail your clinical interests and highlight the types of clinical scenarios you enjoy treating, as it will help others find you as they search for those clinical terms and keywords. Many opportunities seek niche expertise and you want to highlight what makes you unique. After all, a specialty term like “cardiologist” does not capture the entirety of your skill set and expertise.

#3: Write a summary and add your photo.

Never underestimate the power of a friendly face and warm introduction. Professional summaries should be written in the first person and should succinctly communicate your personal brand as a clinician. A professional headshot makes your profile more personal and inviting to colleagues and employers.

#4: Indicate the types of opportunities that interest you.

Only interested in academic positions or private practice? Specify the types of opportunities that interest you so employers know what you’re seeking in your career. Some websites include room on the profile for career preferences.

#5:  Keep your profile up to date.

If your dream position opens up, you do not want to be passed over. Search engines tend to favor people with recent updates, and posting relevant content helps keep you on top.

Online networking can open doors that might otherwise be closed or worse, never even discovered.  When physicians utilize online networks to their advantage, they gain a competitive edge for that perfect job opening. When physician recruiters utilize professional online networks, they gain a competitive edge for filling that job opening with the perfect candidate. If you're a physician, we encourage you to claim your Doximity profile. Physician employers and recruiters can learn more about Doximity Talent Finder by requesting a demo today.

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