3 Recruitment Campaigns to Try in 2021

Posted by Doximity TF Team


A new year brings opportunities to try new things, so our team came up with some recruitment campaigns for you to try in 2021. Whether it’s following up with clinicians that you haven’t heard back from or refreshing your Job Post titles, each of the campaigns below offers the chance to add something new to your recruitment strategy!

  • Campaign #1: The Follow Up Campaign

Now that the holiday season is over and clinicians are back in work mode, it’s a great time to follow up with clinicians that you messaged in 2020 but have not heard back from. 

A good starting point is to target physicians who may have opened one of your messages but did not respond, as they have already expressed some level of interest in your outreach.

We recommend creating a Follow Up template that you can use when reaching out to this group of physicians. The message should be concise, to the point, and have a clear call-to-action. Since it is a follow up message, it can be more condensed than the original message you sent. 

  • Campaign #2: The A/B Test Campaign

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a way to compare two versions of something to figure out which performs better. In this case, we will focus on comparing two recruitment messages to see which receives more engagement from physicians.

The Templates section in Talent Finder allows you to easily A/B test your messages. You have the ability to create a template, copy that template, and change something within the new template to differentiate it from the original. 

Example: As an example, let’s say you are looking to hire a physician early in their career for an Emergency Medicine opportunity in VA. You can create two templates for the same opportunity but make them different in some way by using different subject lines or different content in your message. 

Version A: 

Title: EM VA, Early in Career, Income
Subject: Additional Income Opportunity for EM

Version B:  

Title: EM VA, Early in Career, Flex
Subject: Flexible Emergency Med Opportunity in Northern VA

By targeting a similar group of physicians with each of these templates and then evaluating which message received higher engagement, you will be able to draw some insights on which aspects of the job are most appealing to this group and use that in your strategy going forward.

For more information on A/B testing strategies, check out this short 6 minute video here.

  • Campaign #3: The New Year “Refresh” Campaign

The beginning of a new year is a great time to refresh your Job Posts, and one way to enhance your jobs is by updating your Job Post titles. As a rule of thumb, we recommend changing your Job Post titles every 30-60 days on Doximity. This ensures your jobs are fresh and more likely to receive engagement from physicians.

Similar to the tips mentioned above with the A/B testing campaign, you can look at the engagement for your Job Posts to identify which Job Post titles are performing the best. By going to the Reports page, you can easily see which of your jobs are receiving the highest number of Detailed Views and Inquiries. 

If there is a job that is receiving high engagement, you might update some of your other Job Post titles to match the formatting of the Job Post title of that job. For more best practices related to Job Post titles, check out this article here.

As we embark on a new year, reflecting on your recruitment strategy from 2020 can be helpful in guiding the approach you take in 2021. Evaluating the engagement for your jobs and the responses from your messaging can help you to identify what is resonating among physicians and what can be enhanced. We hope you find some inspiration from these campaigns as you kick off your recruitment in 2021!

To further hone your 2021 recruitment strategies, sign up for our February 9th User Training, How to Make Your Jobs Stand Out on Doximity

Topics: Candidate Sourcing, search, How to evolve your sourcing campaigns, physician recruiter tips, recruiting campaigns

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