Insights for Using Doximity Talent Finder to Recruit, From Our Most Experienced Clients

Posted by Doximity TF Team

Power Users_Insights from Clients Using Doximity Talent FinderHow does a recruiter find success using Talent Finder, Doximity’s physician recruiting tool? We recently held a webinar featuring some of our most experienced users from MedSearch, who shared insights on how they keep a competitive edge with Doximity Talent Finder. Their ideas were so impactful that we decided to discuss some of their secrets to success here.

For MedSearch, physician recruiting is a team sport. Nearly every recruiter at MedSearch has access to Talent Finder right from the start. It’s particularly essential for recruiters who are focused on one or two medical specialties because they can use advanced search filters to discover physicians in a competitive specialty.

New MedSearch employees view a Talent Finder video as part of onboarding. Six months later, they get a refresher course. Doximity Client Success Managers (CSMs) also come in monthly to train recruiters. In fact, Assistant Vice President of Client Services Rich Rodriguez is adamant about working with Doximity CSMs, who offer expert insights that help recruiters achieve relevance in DocMails, messaging, and more. “Tap into the expertise of your CSM!” he encourages.

According to Rodriguez, MedSearch has been using Talent Finder for nearly a decade, and for the last five years, they’ve really accelerated their use. To determine what’s working and what’s not, they use Talent Finder’s reporting tools. According to Rodriguez, “we track DocMail and Job Post metrics, learn from them, change things up to see what works best, then coach anyone whose messages aren’t getting engagement.”

Top Talent Finder users at MedSearch also contribute to a best-practices library. They constantly review their own (and their competitors’) real-world recruiting messages. They also explore any product updates or new aspects of Talent Finder. 

From the recruiting side, Talent Finder’s refined searches satisfy their niche needs. Varsha Bande, MedSearch’s Director of Anesthesia Recruitment, says she has great success with specialty searches. “When we’re really focusing on a new specialty like integrative cardiology, we use Talent Finder to find doctors we can’t find on other job boards,” says Bande. “We have a lot of success.”

Everyone at MedSearch has their own favorite feature(s), but Bande’s niche specialties draw her to Talent Finder’s focused search capabilities. The searches she uses most frequently are professional title search, hospital affiliation, activity search filter and geography. Rodriguez is all about the reporting features, plus the templates that provide ever-greater customization.

A “mobile-first” point of view also guides MedSearch’s DocMail recruiting. Rodriguez’s tips include keeping messages and Job Posts clear, accurate, and short. Another must-do? “Bulleted information.” He says, “Reel them in with interest,” and in a format that is accessible and readable. He also recommends refraining from simply repeating information from the Job Post in the DocMail and not spending time on needless creativity or constant re-inventing of messages. 

Thriving as a physician recruiter requires you to stay ahead of the trends by keeping watchful eyes on competitors and taking advantage of an invaluable Doximity resource – your CSM. 

Interested in learning new and creative ways to tailor your Job Post titles and DocMail subject lines? Join our webinar on July 18, 2023 to learn more about what makes a successful recruiting campaign and tips on how to increase interest in your opportunities.

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Topics: Tips for using Doximity Talent Finder

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